Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.
Published on May 12, 2009 By Gh0st_Note- In Demigod

He needed it. It's obvious a serious imbalance was in place if erebus was the only character to get a nerf in the new update.

Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.

Pantheon might be a bit more enjoyable now, less Erebus nubs.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 12, 2009

Did we really need another post on this? *sigh*

on May 12, 2009

Did we really need another post on this? *sigh*

Didn't realize there were others. Good thing, though. Let the erebus nubs know.

on May 12, 2009

Well, I agree on the mana cost, but the rest was a bit excessive. But hey, you seem pretty happy about it. That's a good thing I spose.

on May 12, 2009

good to hear now dont come back here giong on a rant that hes OP when you get spanked again

on May 12, 2009

To be honest, Chaosnaska was downright hostile to even the thought of nerfing anything, let alone erebus.  Crow doesn't taste so good, but it's medicine for being an arse.

on May 12, 2009

Well, I agree on the mana cost, but the rest was a bit excessive. But hey, you seem pretty happy about it. That's a good thing I spose.

Meh well. It's not that I am "happy" about it. I just think it was really needed. Not only from my experience with erebus but also playing against him. The people going around saying that DG is perfectly balanced were being very delusional and cutting down anyone who thought otherwise. Fact is, some imbalances were there and needed be looked at. And so now, it's nice to see GPG looking into it and seeing that some imbalances really do exist. It will shut up some of the people around here.

on May 12, 2009

To be honest, Chaosnaska was downright hostile to even the thought of nerfing anything, let alone erebus.  Crow doesn't taste so good, but it's medicine for being an arse.

His main character is Erebus, partly why I found it funny.

on May 12, 2009

Or people cried like bitches and got him nerfed. Happens in every single game. So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game. Devs get tired of hearing about it so they nerf it to shut the retards up. Nothing more than that really.

on May 12, 2009

good to hear now dont come back here giong on a rant that hes OP when you get spanked again

Just so you know, I honestly don't think it is just erebus who needs some tweaking, all of the characters need to be looked at more throughly and given buffs or nerfs in the overall scheme of things.

on May 12, 2009

Ouchy Dathurts
Or people cried like bitches and got him nerfed. Happens in every single game. So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game. Devs get tired of hearing about it so they nerf it to shut the retards up. Nothing more than that really.

Doesn't explain UB, Reg, Sedna, or Oak. They were bitched about just as much. Thing is, erebus was an OBVIOUS unbalance and thats why he got first nerfing.

on May 12, 2009

Thing is, even with bite a bit underpowered now(the mana cost is a bit high for what you get now...), I'll still beat people. I've killed DG's without bite before, it just takes more effort. I don't need to kill you, I just need to make you run, and the change to bite shouldn't really make that any less possible.


Do I believe the nerf is too much? Yes. Will I work around it? Obviously. Erebus is a very fun and versatile character to play, and I plan to enjoy him as such.

on May 12, 2009


Quoting Ouchy Dathurts, reply 8Or people cried like bitches and got him nerfed. Happens in every single game. So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game. Devs get tired of hearing about it so they nerf it to shut the retards up. Nothing more than that really.
Doesn't explain UB, Reg, Sedna, or Oak. They were bitched about just as much. Thing is, erebus was an OBVIOUS unbalance and thats why he got first nerfing.


They weren't bitched about NEARLY as much as erebus is. I find it funny that you're a reg player. The average reg vs the average erebus = dead reg. If you know how to play you can make him your bitch, but most people dont know what they're doing. So they cry.


No hero is OP, no skill is OP. There are ways to work around every single hero and skill. But its easier to cry about things than try.

on May 12, 2009

QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game.




No, its the fact that there was literally no counter for him that I tried, and I did my best and it did nothing. Literally NOTHING could be done against him.

That image is a little out dated im now rank 4 but you see my point.


Oh, and 16 of my losses are disconnects


Lol actually just checked and im back at rank 2 yay!

on May 12, 2009


No, its the fact that there was literally no counter for him that I tried, and I did my best and it did nothing. Literally NOTHING could be done against him.

That image is a little out dated im now rank 4 but you see my point.


Oh, and 16 of my losses are disconnects


Lol actually just checked and im back at rank 2 yay!


You only play rook, that's not exactly trying everything. These games are all about countering. You don't play what you like, you play to counter the other team. When they pick a hero you pick a hero that counters them, when they pick a skill you pick a skill to counter it. That's how you win these games. If that doesn't sound like fun this might not be the genre for you.


You can't rely on your team to do it. You can never rely on your team. You play to win by yourself, if the team helps that's a bonus but you can't rely on the guy next to you to do something. It's a "if you want things done right, do it yourself" genre.

on May 12, 2009

Don't worry sagat got nerfed everyone will be happy.

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