Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.
Published on May 12, 2009 By Gh0st_Note- In Demigod

He needed it. It's obvious a serious imbalance was in place if erebus was the only character to get a nerf in the new update.

Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.

Pantheon might be a bit more enjoyable now, less Erebus nubs.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 12, 2009

Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.
So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game.

These sorts of comments are unhelpful and unecessary. If you cannot post with a shred of civility, then don't post at all.

on May 12, 2009

Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game.
These sorts of comments are unhelpful and unecessary. If you cannot post with a shred of civility, then don't post at all.

I apologize. I just got sick of seeing him pop up in every thread bashing and thrashing at anyone for any opinion contrary to his.

on May 12, 2009

Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.So and so is overpowered QQ I've got sand in my vag because I suck at the game.
These sorts of comments are unhelpful and unecessary. If you cannot post with a shred of civility, then don't post at all.


who said the vag thing but i do agree there not needed

on May 12, 2009

You can NOT rely on your team in this or DotA unless you're bringing people you know. In a public game you absolutely can not rely on them, if you think you can you're smoking crack. Yes, you might get a good team mate, or your team mate might suck shit. But you can't just assume they're good or know what they're doing. More often than not 1 or more will have no idea what the hell is happening. You rely on yourself and only yourself and if it happens that you get lucky then you'll be all that more powerful. If not you havent fucked yourself by relying on someone thats no good.

The people that play these games and rely on team mates are the same people we're seeing here crying about heroes. ZOMG Sniper/troll warlord/PA/etc are OP!!! Except none of them are if you had gotten an item to stop them you'd be fine. But you chose to get whatever items that are 1337sauce instead and now you get to eat shit. You can't assume someone else is going to get a sheep stick to disable them, you have to do it yourself. If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself.

You can and should assume your team mates will do certain things.  No hero can do everything simultaneously.  You can't defend all flags at the same time.  You can't be a massive disabler, dpser, support, etc all at the same time either.

If I see a rasta or an intel hero on my team in DoTA, he better be getting a sheepstick unless he's got some funky/special build - especially if he's the only intel guy.

If I have an Oak on my team and I know he got the shield skill and the mana to use it, I may bait the enemy to attack me then run back to Oak to get a shield and ambush them.  Similarly if I'm getting attacked and a rook teammate is nearby who has boulder roll.  How about if there's a nearby friendly regulus who I know has snipe?  Will I chase a nearly dead hero or rely on his snipe?  You bet your ass I'll rely on the snipe.  There's no need to put myself at risk just to get a kill when a team mate can do it and we'll share gold anyways.

This game's all about teamwork.  What do you do if your team isn't doing the things they should be doing?  You tell them what what they should have done differently.  Most people are cool with getting advice.  Occasionally you meet someone who seems to take it like a personal insult, but that's a different topic.

If you're relying on yourself and play totally independantly, you'll get crushed by a team that works together - even if they're each less skilled than you. There's too many games I've played with the team consisting of all these solo prima donnas.  You can tell they know how to play their hero, but they play with the attitude of "If we win this game, it's all because of my effort".   Seeing your posts make me realize why they may think that way.

on May 12, 2009

People who play pantheon 2v2 and complain about balance, make me laugh. Wait till organized competition is in, and we'll see whats "overpowered" and whats not.

on May 12, 2009

People who play pantheon 2v2 and complain about balance, make me laugh. Wait till organized competition is in, and we'll see whats "overpowered" and whats not.


It's possible for something to ruin PUG games and be reasonably fair in a clan match, and it would still need to be fixed. Pre-nerf Erebus definitely ruined PUG games, and I won't discuss either way if he would be fair in a premade of all good players, because I'm not sure.

on May 12, 2009

Ouchy Dathurts

Quoting TheTrav,
reply 17

Quoting Ouchy Dathurts, reply 14
You can't rely on your team to do it. You can never rely on your team. You play to win by yourself, if the team helps that's a bonus but you can't rely on the guy next to you to do something. It's a "if you want things done right, do it yourself" genre.
Hmm... I'm going to have to go ahead and... Disagree, with you there...

See we here are Demigod like to think we're part of a "team"... Yeah...  See we're Leveraging synergies now... Did you get the memo?

So if you could just, "try" and remember that... That'd be great...  And ahh, I'll be sure you get another copy of that memo...

Quoting JinxOfSin,
reply 18

You only play rook, that's not exactly trying everything. These games are all about countering. You don't play what you like, you play to counter the other team. When they pick a hero you pick a hero that counters them, when they pick a skill you pick a skill to counter it. That's how you win these games. If that doesn't sound like fun this might not be the genre for you.

You can't rely on your team to do it. You can never rely on your team. You play to win by yourself, if the team helps that's a bonus but you can't rely on the guy next to you to do something. It's a "if you want things done right, do it yourself" genre.
Absurdedly wrong.  Teamwork is paramount in this game, just as it is in DoTA.  Not only is teamwork important, but having team members who are individually skilled is also critical.  You remind me of those guys who'd take credit for winning a match when you were getting tons of backup from a sedna or qot.


You can NOT rely on your team in this or DotA unless you're bringing people you know. In a public game you absolutely can not rely on them, if you think you can you're smoking crack. Yes, you might get a good team mate, or your team mate might suck shit. But you can't just assume they're good or know what they're doing. More often than not 1 or more will have no idea what the hell is happening. You rely on yourself and only yourself and if it happens that you get lucky then you'll be all that more powerful. If not you havent fucked yourself by relying on someone thats no good.


The people that play these games and rely on team mates are the same people we're seeing here crying about heroes. ZOMG Sniper/troll warlord/PA/etc are OP!!! Except none of them are if you had gotten an item to stop them you'd be fine. But you chose to get whatever items that are 1337sauce instead and now you get to eat shit. You can't assume someone else is going to get a sheep stick to disable them, you have to do it yourself. If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself.


Quoting InfiniteVengeance,
reply 19
Think of it this way.  Did anyone who played Erebus ever NOT get bite?  No?  Then clearly the ability is not balanced.  Two solutions - nerf it, or buff all the other abilities until they are just as useful.

Since cross balance demigod play would probably get screwed up by buffing everything else, bite got nerfed.  Will you choose it every time now?  If not, then the purpose is solved.  Whether Erebus is now overall too weak compared to other demigods we will see, but this goes a long way towards internally balancing him.

And that's a good thing in the end.


Does anyone play sedna without the heal? No because you'd be a retard not to get an ability that can heal you in big chunks. Does that make her heal OP? Nope, just means its something that can turn a battle by giving you more staying power. Bite can be stopped by a number of things, but again, people don't care to counter it, they'd rather bitch like children.


Quoting Lemminkaeinen,
reply 20

Quoting Ouchy Dathurts, reply 12No hero is OP, no skill is OP. There are ways to work around every single hero and skill. But its easier to cry about things than try.
Ah, you're using a nomenclature where OP means "100% unbeatable". No one else uses the word to mean such a thing, but I see that you're a special snowflake. I'm sure that you believe, just as no ability is significantly stronger than others, that no ability is worse than others, right? I mean, since there is this magical perfect balance that the game has achieved. I'm sure you consistently win games as a Sedna Yeti-build, right?

Edit: InfiniteVengeance says it nicer, but yeah. Agreeing with him.


In a game like this (you cant have every ability) many skills will go unpicked. Not because they're necesarrily weak but because they don't fit into what you're trying to accomplish. In most games snipe is not needed, does that make it a useless skill? No, it means its situational and the generally the situation doesn't call for it.


How can we possible beat erebus? Silence doesnt work, stun doesn't work, mark of the betrayer doesn't work, landmines don't work, circle of flames doesn't work. He's unstoppable. I haven't played erebus in quite a while because he's nothing special at all. The people I've played against lately that use him end up just feeding and crying in the end. He's not an issue, bite's not an issue but if you want to nerf him and make him a bigger punching bag I'll keep feeding off of him. What's next for the whaambulance anyways?

All of this.

on May 12, 2009



yh  but i think thwere shouldn't be crit items  they just seem retarded  too me even the 3k ones are  op espically in earily battles  where  u have low health a 400 dmg is a big chunk out of it

Because you want defense to be better than offense? Without crit items being as good as they are, sedna and QoT late game could be unstoppable.

on May 12, 2009


on May 12, 2009

Lol I just spanked people with erebus I didnt even notice the nerf at all...

on May 12, 2009

Uh, because it hasn't happened yet.

on May 12, 2009

Think of it this way.  Did anyone who played Erebus ever NOT get bite?  No?  Then clearly the ability is not balanced.  Two solutions - nerf it, or buff all the other abilities until they are just as useful.

You must be playing one of those crazy "No-Healing" Sedna builds, how exciting!

You know, the character may have been designed with this ability integral to his gameplay. Try Sedna with no heals, are you gonna go minion build and expect to survive with a bunch of yeti's and some silences? Nope. I mean hell, Erebus is a Vampire, you'd think he'd be biting people, and it was probably the first idea of an ability for him once he was determined he was gonna be a vampire.

The ability isn't overpowered just because it's essential to playing successful. Is it more useful than his other abilities? Yes, but who cares? If I wanted someone with more options or abilities that are on the same level with other abilities in my repetiore, I'd play another character.

on May 12, 2009

You know, the character may have been designed with this ability integral to his gameplay. Try Sedna with no heals,

Again, you are assuming I think that other demigods are internally balanced.  They are not.  Sedna is a good example.

The example of the internally balanced demigod is Torchbearer.  There's many different ways to build him and they are all effective in different ways. (Full Fire/Full Ice/Mostly Ice w/Fireball, Mostly Fire w/Ice Rain, Half and Half, etc)

Heroes that depend on a single ability are not balanced.

on May 12, 2009


You can NOT rely on your team in this or DotA unless you're bringing people you know. In a public game you absolutely can not rely on them, if you think you can you're smoking crack. Yes, you might get a good team mate, or your team mate might suck shit. But you can't just assume they're good or know what they're doing. More often than not 1 or more will have no idea what the hell is happening. You rely on yourself and only yourself and if it happens that you get lucky then you'll be all that more powerful. If not you havent fucked yourself by relying on someone thats no good.

The people that play these games and rely on team mates are the same people we're seeing here crying about heroes. ZOMG Sniper/troll warlord/PA/etc are OP!!! Except none of them are if you had gotten an item to stop them you'd be fine. But you chose to get whatever items that are 1337sauce instead and now you get to eat shit. You can't assume someone else is going to get a sheep stick to disable them, you have to do it yourself. If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself.
You can and should assume your team mates will do certain things.  No hero can do everything simultaneously.  You can't defend all flags at the same time.  You can't be a massive disabler, dpser, support, etc all at the same time either.

If I see a rasta or an intel hero on my team in DoTA, he better be getting a sheepstick unless he's got some funky/special build - especially if he's the only intel guy.

If I have an Oak on my team and I know he got the shield skill and the mana to use it, I may bait the enemy to attack me then run back to Oak to get a shield and ambush them.  Similarly if I'm getting attacked and a rook teammate is nearby who has boulder roll.  How about if there's a nearby friendly regulus who I know has snipe?  Will I chase a nearly dead hero or rely on his snipe?  You bet your ass I'll rely on the snipe.  There's no need to put myself at risk just to get a kill when a team mate can do it and we'll share gold anyways.

This game's all about teamwork.  What do you do if your team isn't doing the things they should be doing?  You tell them what what they should have done differently.  Most people are cool with getting advice.  Occasionally you meet someone who seems to take it like a personal insult, but that's a different topic.

If you're relying on yourself and play totally independantly, you'll get crushed by a team that works together - even if they're each less skilled than you. There's too many games I've played with the team consisting of all these solo prima donnas.  You can tell they know how to play their hero, but they play with the attitude of "If we win this game, it's all because of my effort".   Seeing your posts make me realize why they may think that way.


He better be getting a sheep stick. But you apparently would be surprised how often they do not. IMO That's the first item every INT hero should get because it gives you everything you need all in one. The disable is paramount to winning games where one hero is getting out of control. Most of the heroes that people see as "OP" can be killed in those 3 seconds that sheep lasts.


You can't take every flag on your own, but you can get so out of hand on your own that the enemy cant stop you anymore. In an ideal world you could rely on your team for help, but if you play like they're not going to do shit to help you you've already got a leg up when it turns out that they.....will do shit to help you. If they turn out to be good you've got a leg up on the other team.


Cast in point, yesterday (or the day before, think it was yesterday) I was playing Reg, We had an oak I believe and a rook. First thing rook asks is "So are you guys good?" I said there's no way anyone can honestly answer that. I believe it to be one of those things where if you say you're good you're going to get your ass handed to you, if you have some modesty you'll be fine. Rook then proceeds to say "I know I'm good" so I'm like well fuck, he's going to be useless and proceeded to start playing as if I'm going to have to pick up his slack.


They have an erebus (ZOMG SO SCARY!) he seems to want to kill me a lot, follows me around but never really scares me at all, just annoying. So i picked up a cloak of flames. He batswarms in, mark of the betrayer, he bites, takes damage, i cloak of flames and start attacking. He's surrounded by mines on both sides a milimeter from where he is so he can't leave he's just got to sit their and eat shit. Which he does, over and over and over and over. Because erebus sure can't be countered, even by the hero hes meant to eat alive.


Anyways, mr "I'm really good" rook proceeds to go 2-4. While not awful, its not good either. It's bad. He blames all his deaths on being on the phone. Which I believe to be a load of crap, but if you're going to be on the phone dont join a game, just saying. I proceed to go 15-3 and we win. Now I'm not stroking my peen on the score. I played as if we had no rook because I knew from the second he said he was good he was in fact going to be terrible and there was going to need to be slack picked up.


You can't trust your team mates unless you're in vent with them. You just cant, you might like to in a fluffy puppy world but it's just not a thing you can rely on with any sense of normalicy. When you get a good team, its great, when you don't someone needs to try and make up for it.

on May 13, 2009


Quoting si1foo, reply 2

yh  but i think thwere shouldn't be crit items  they just seem retarded  too me even the 3k ones are  op espically in earily battles  where  u have low health a 400 dmg is a big chunk out of it

Because you want defense to be better than offense? Without crit items being as good as they are, sedna and QoT late game could be unstoppable.

 um sedna  and qot are never unstopable  all assasins  have atleast 2 attack skills  like pounce and bite bestrial wrath

ub  u just use spit and beastrial  and keep dmging  even if she trys to heal shell be dead because u would have done too much dmg

tb use  rain ice  fb and anything other terchnics u use

qot isn't that powerfull and fireball useually  takes out her shield in 1 shot late game  rain of ice pretty much does it too

there is easy ways to get them just most people dont think about the how to kill them

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