He needed it. It's obvious a serious imbalance was in place if erebus was the only character to get a nerf in the new update.
Chaosnaska's whiny bitch ass just got owned.
Pantheon might be a bit more enjoyable now, less Erebus nubs.
you cant repick a hero whilst in a pantheon match.
Hmm... I'm going to have to go ahead and... Disagree, with you there...
See we here are Demigod like to think we're part of a "team"... Yeah... See we're Leveraging synergies now... Did you get the memo?
So if you could just, "try" and remember that... That'd be great... And ahh, I'll be sure you get another copy of that memo...
Absurdedly wrong. Teamwork is paramount in this game, just as it is in DoTA. Not only is teamwork important, but having team members who are individually skilled is also critical. You remind me of those guys who'd take credit for winning a match when you were getting tons of backup from a sedna or qot.
Think of it this way. Did anyone who played Erebus ever NOT get bite? No? Then clearly the ability is not balanced. Two solutions - nerf it, or buff all the other abilities until they are just as useful.
Since cross balance demigod play would probably get screwed up by buffing everything else, bite got nerfed. Will you choose it every time now? If not, then the purpose is solved. Whether Erebus is now overall too weak compared to other demigods we will see, but this goes a long way towards internally balancing him.
And that's a good thing in the end.
Ah, you're using a nomenclature where OP means "100% unbeatable". No one else uses the word to mean such a thing, but I see that you're a special snowflake. I'm sure that you believe, just as no ability is significantly stronger than others, that no ability is worse than others, right? I mean, since there is this magical perfect balance that the game has achieved. I'm sure you consistently win games as a Sedna Yeti-build, right?
Edit: InfiniteVengeance says it nicer, but yeah. Agreeing with him.
You can NOT rely on your team in this or DotA unless you're bringing people you know. In a public game you absolutely can not rely on them, if you think you can you're smoking crack. Yes, you might get a good team mate, or your team mate might suck shit. But you can't just assume they're good or know what they're doing. More often than not 1 or more will have no idea what the hell is happening. You rely on yourself and only yourself and if it happens that you get lucky then you'll be all that more powerful. If not you havent fucked yourself by relying on someone thats no good.
The people that play these games and rely on team mates are the same people we're seeing here crying about heroes. ZOMG Sniper/troll warlord/PA/etc are OP!!! Except none of them are if you had gotten an item to stop them you'd be fine. But you chose to get whatever items that are 1337sauce instead and now you get to eat shit. You can't assume someone else is going to get a sheep stick to disable them, you have to do it yourself. If you don't you have no one to blame but yourself.
Does anyone play sedna without the heal? No because you'd be a retard not to get an ability that can heal you in big chunks. Does that make her heal OP? Nope, just means its something that can turn a battle by giving you more staying power. Bite can be stopped by a number of things, but again, people don't care to counter it, they'd rather bitch like children.
In a game like this (you cant have every ability) many skills will go unpicked. Not because they're necesarrily weak but because they don't fit into what you're trying to accomplish. In most games snipe is not needed, does that make it a useless skill? No, it means its situational and the generally the situation doesn't call for it.
How can we possible beat erebus? Silence doesnt work, stun doesn't work, mark of the betrayer doesn't work, landmines don't work, circle of flames doesn't work. He's unstoppable. I haven't played erebus in quite a while because he's nothing special at all. The people I've played against lately that use him end up just feeding and crying in the end. He's not an issue, bite's not an issue but if you want to nerf him and make him a bigger punching bag I'll keep feeding off of him. What's next for the whaambulance anyways?
Check my games dude. I don't play custom matches so I don't get to see what the other team is picking. Pantheon and Skirmish matches don't show you and I haven't ever played a custom match yet.
I ment trying everything as a Rook. Yes I am a Rook Player and "countering" the enemy in a Panthenon match by DG choice is not possible so your arguement is void.
...Your basing your conclusions off of random games with people of varied skill that for the most part, will suck. How do you know the balance is actually flawed, when you dont even have good teammates, when you yourself are probably nothing special?
Pantheon means nothing, you idiot. Playing against random people with no teamwork trying to be the hero really means something. Why dont you find some random people, and fight against me and my team, and see how you do. Then you can cry that the demigods we use are overpowered!
Speaking of rook, *I* play rook. I have never fought an erebus with any trouble at all. Even when they mistform my slams and spam bite and do everything you like to whine about. Infact, I've yet to fight an erebus that I can't fundamentally SHUTOUT with rook. Of course, this is all based upon MY EXPERIENCES, and who ive faced. You of course, base yours off of YOUR experiences. Obviously we have DIFFERENCES. UNTIL we have a way to actually see how erebus does in organized games, we can't find common ground between said experiences, thus no conclusive way to nerf anyone without truly knowing if they're op.
Seriously though, you're a shitty ass rook. I have no problems playing erebus at all, and 90% of the ones i play are the typical cookie cutter pot chugging and biting assassin erebus's.
I read a thread yesterday where Frogboy asked the communtiy to be nicer and more polite. This thread is not polite. You are free to express your opinion about the last update but calling Chaosnaska a "whiny bitch" is just unnecessary.
Please do not use the term "nubs" either. You know that it stands for new players and you don't trash talk new players, you teach them how to play the game instead. Players would never behave as bad on a soccer field that they are behaving on online games.
agreed, infact YOUR the noob yourself if u dont even try to help them learn how to play.
Playing against people you don't know and go into not knowing what their hero or strategy is takes more skill then pre-setting the game before hand I would think where you know what your enemy has from the start. And no, not everyone on it for the most part "sucks".
Calling me a idiot for no reason at all is not respectful nor was it needed so cool off before your next post. And no teamwork? Yeah right I have played plenty of games that take teamwork.
Yet another baseless accusation. What is with you and your needless flaming?
yh but i think thwere shouldn't be crit items they just seem retarded too me even the 3k ones are op espically in earily battles where u have low health a 400 dmg is a big chunk out of it
And yet another instance where 'remove karma' is neccesary
yet another reply
You sound like you're assuming I implied that all other heroes are internally balanced too. They're not. Heal is another example.
Each hero should be able to be built in multiple ways - there should not be skills that are crutches and must be gotten each time, every time.
Look at Torchbearer, who I consider to be perfectly internally balanced. There are numerous builds and each skill is not gotten in every build (full ice, full fire, ice with Fireball, Fire with ice rain, Ice with Fire Nova, Half and Half, etc)