Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.

Just wanted to know how many people are on, how balanced the gameplay is at the moment, how the matches are flowing, so on and so forth. I will be buying the game Friday no matter what and I can't waitttt to get into the pantheon.

I just want a little heads up from the community if things are doing better now. I have faith in Stardock and GPG, so I am not worried, I just want an idea of what to expect once I get the game. I realize there's been some problems lately with the game, but it doesn't faze me. This game looks amazing despite it's problems, and I think that once the dust settles and word of mouth gets around that the game is fixed, it will become quite the competitive multiplayer game.

Thanks for your time guys, lemme know what's up!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 20, 2009

Connectivity online is basically pulling teeth. Frogboy mentioned that this week they would be rolling out a proxy server-based system that would eliminate the cause of all the connection issues, the direct peer-to-peer connections each and every player has to have with each other.

Otherwise the game is tons of fun.

on Apr 20, 2009

How many games/people are on at peak hours? Only thing I'm worried about regarding Demigod is that the community will die out before I even get a chance to play. :/

on Apr 20, 2009

Dont worry....yesterday, there was over 200 games at once going on....thats plenty...each game had 2 to 10 peoples. Both Demigod IRC channels are having 100+ people in it...its everything but not dead and never will be...the game is just to much fun

on Apr 20, 2009

Dont worry....yesterday, there was over 200 games at once going on....thats plenty...each game had 2 to 10 peoples. Both Demigod IRC channels are having 100+ people in it...its everything but not dead and never will be...the game is just to much fun


Oh wow. That's awesome... it should only be getting better then once the connectivity problems are sorted out. Gah, I can't wait for Friday (payday) so I can pick Demigod up.

on Apr 20, 2009

Hopefully they are smart enough to include multiple proxies throughout the world or it will not fix anything at all... imagine a european player connecting to a proxy in usa to only connect to someone living in a european country right next to his. That will pretty much make it unplayable and laggy. This kind of networking system just doesn't work on a global scale and it's almost impossible to fix for a end user compared to standard server/client architectures.

on Apr 20, 2009

id like to see something like the host being the proxy server and when host d/c's or quits it transfers hosting privlages if available similar to battle net.  but other then random people disconnecting and getting the failed to join game or password required then refreshing the game list then joining my online works fairly well a few times players wont connect to me but its an easy fix just log out and log in and i connect fine again, although i shouldnt have to its still a new game bugs will be worked out

on Apr 20, 2009

I played several games Sunday night. It was slow to get connected and many players quitted in game for unknown reasons. Definitively, the network need tweaking.

However, the game is fun and even the AI is challenging for newbies like me. The live team seems dedicated and it is good. I think they sent this game out too fast but in-game I was told everthing was fine during beta, so can't blame them.

Things need to be fixed quickly before the young generation with short-term attention get fed up.

on Apr 20, 2009

Achivements and favor points are busted. I havent played many games yet but I think that every single one I have played have had people disconnecting. In one of the games all 9 other players disconnected one after another. At least I think so, if there was anyone left they must have been really bad players.

on Apr 20, 2009

It's impossible to tell whether you're playing against bots or humans right now.

on Apr 20, 2009

It's impossible to tell whether you're playing against bots or humans right now.


Check their ping using tab

on Apr 20, 2009

Multiplayer is completely fubar'd right now.  It's a real crap shoot whether you will be able to get into a game.  It starts once you get into the lobby.  You see all these games, but when you click to join, you immediately get a cannot connect error message.  When you do find a game that you can connect to, you spend a good amount of time waiting for a connection to be established between your computer and everyone elses.  If you get past this point, you make it to the in-game lobby.  Here one of two things happens.  First, a couple people have yellow pings so you have to figure out which person has the bad connection and have them reconnect (i.e., go through the first process all over again).  Or, someone has a red zero ping and that person needs to reconnect.  If you get through all of that, you need to launch into the game quickly before the NAT disconnect error pops up.


Once you get into a game, it's a blast.  But spending 45 minutes to get into a game loses its charm pretty quick.  Then you pull out World in Conflict and it's completely painless to get into a game.  The game list browser refreshes quickly.  You can get into every game that says it has space.  And after a short load screen, you are in-game a playing.

on Apr 20, 2009

It would be nice if the ping of other players was on the main UI so that you could see it at all times.  The tab screen usually takes a moment or two to open and close which is valuable time lost during a match.  Also posting a player as CPU would help as well.  I've gone through games without knowing that my allies were computers until the very end (when I lost miserably... hmm I wonder why... oh thats right cause I suck! lol).

on Apr 20, 2009

IT takes a while to get peopel connected to a custom game.  In pantheon it takes about 5 minutes of searching/connecting to get a game with like 4 people and 6 ai.

I can't stand the game putting in more ai in players. 2+1ai vs. 2+1ai isn't so bad but 1+4ai vs. 1+4ai is stupid.

on Apr 20, 2009

I tried lik 10 games today. I played one. Spent one hour waiting and 20 minutes playing.

So it is going bad atm.

on Apr 20, 2009

Ok, thanks for the intel, will go back when things settle down a bit^^

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