Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.

Has it ever occured to anyone that, over the course of history, humans often come to the conclusion that anything that cannot be explained at the moment is automatically considered to be supernatural? For example, the Greeks. They had a god for just about anything that they could not explain with their means of science or technology at the time. How else could they explain the torrent of fire and molten lava that spwes out of a volcano? By claiming that Hephasteus is simply working in his forge of course.

But fast forward to today. And we know that isn't the case. The advent of computers, automobiles, airplanes, etc etc etc, would simply astound the Ancient Greeks. They would consider us gods. They would be unable to speak out of pure awe.

And since science is never ending in the sense that, with each question answered, more questions are formed... we still do not have a logical explanation for God. That being that supposedly judges us from afar, and moves through us all.

Think about it though... what if we just haven't reached the technological threshold to explain it yet?

It could be possible, that "God" is nothing more than a wave that interacts with our matter. Influencing our decisions with maybe electrical impulses or something similar. Religion is making "god" more important than it really is. With the advent of more powerful technology, we may be able to see what it is that moves through us all. More than likely, it is just another force of nature. It justs exists. It is there, always has been. But it is not a being, it is not something to worship... it is just not something we can understand. YET.

Basically, what I am trying to say is, we humans have proven over time that with the advent of better technology we can understand the ways of nature around us. So what's to stop us from unlocking the secrets of the universe? As well as explaining what "god" really is? We just can't comprehend it yet... but we will in time I think. Just like we did with volcanoes, oceans, telephones, airplanes, etc etc etc.

Religion is powerful in many ways no doubt. It helps certain people get through rough times, and to them, it explains the way things are as well giving them a code of ethics that they can follow. But religion is also on a way ticket to being obsolete. If science can bridge the gap between the two, what now?

Now just so everyone knows, I am not trying to attack anyones beliefs, I am merely wondering outloud if the above could be the case. I would also like to hear what other people have to say. Please be open-minded, and rational.

I will explain in better detail some ideas that I have heard as well some of my own if a great dialogue can be established.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Apr 15, 2009

Behold the hand of "god"! And I'm not talking about Diego Maradonna.

Hand of "God"?


Christianity is trying to shut down biology in schools because evolution isn't convenient to them.  They are trying to shut down sexual education because it makes them uncomfortable.  They are trying to shut down access to free media because they worry about what people will do if they hear non-Christian points of view.  They are constantly trying to ban, censor, and discredit information that might hurt their faith.

Well, I'd say it's the church trying to do those things rather than Christianity as a religion.

But it's funny how people who represent concepts that are supposed to be/do the best for the people always end up keeping them down, huh? In that i.e. communist leaders are the same as the church's representatives.

on Apr 15, 2009


Does God Exists or Not?

This topic had been reposted and reposted all over again. In the concept and in Science knowledge, there is no such thing as God. But, Science already stated that, there MAY be soul. Christians, Muslims, Buddhistism, Shinto, Taoism, Hindu. All religions have one common, which is... they are all related to death.

Religion, is that it is created to influence people not to afraid of death? King creates it to make sure his soldiers fight for him. Or... religion is real? Do you trust Jesus Christ? I never insult of others' religion. By the way, I will not say if Jesus exists or not. And so, please, don't insult my "God" too. By the way, why don't you all try to check out of other religion and choose one that you believe in? Have faith in your heart. I was thinking about this a long time ago, not even I can remember when. I was borned Buddhist, but, nowadays everyone are fusing Buddhist, Taoism and Polomenisme together. I don't care, I also read bible everyday. By the way, I check out of Islamic and Hindu too. I had been in love with Japanese's anime for a long time. I also have a good knowledge of Shinto too.

Remember, please don't insult others' religion, okay? Before I introduce you in the view of Science and the common thing of Science and God.

Christian and Muslims believe there are a Creator. By the way, I am not talking nonsense, Christian and Muslims ARE PRAYING TO THE SAME GOD! Just, with a different view of it, and so seperated to Christianity and Islamic. Just like Christian also have different branch, right? (It is just different point of view)

Buddhist and Hindu trust in Karma. Which is a recycle of your deeds. (I am not going to explain here, because it is long and...) There trust that you can be one of the Gods or Goddesses if you do good things. Even Gods can die and will be reborned.

Taoism and Polomenism. They trust that there are alot of Gods out there. When you die, you will either become Ghosts or Gods. And will be reincarnated too.

Ok, now, in view of Science. I read alot of Einsteins' book about he trusts God or not. He says one thing, the possiblity of an existance of a God is very low. Not more than 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. (Around that), but, he says one word--- "Faith"

In the Science, it has proved that, there are energy in our body. Don't you ever think of it? How we can move, our brain? What our brain do? Send Signals? How the signals do? Impulse? Then... then...? Try to think our body is a computer, kay? Your brain works as Hard Drive. Your IQ works as RAM. How a computer run? You will eat breakfast,lunch,dinner and even supper. Computer consumes Electricity. Ok, if you want to eat, you need energy to move your hand? Then the energy is from your previous meal. Then... Then... you will need to go back to your mother's stomach. Ok, your mother gave you the first "power". Who gave your mother the first power? Then you will need to recall back to your ancestors, gorrila, mammals, complex organisms, single organisms. Ok, how single works? It is because of the heat and other energy, made the non-licing things transform into a living things. WTF? Dead become alive? Then where the energy starts?...............................

Stop this, because I don't want to talk crap anymore. You ever heard that some cats will go under a patient's bed and sleep? Then the patient will die a few hours later. WTF? But real, it seems that Cats have softer hearing, they can even hear the vibration of a molecules, the patient's organs started to shutdown and seems quiet enough to attract the cats to sleep under the bed. But, how death works? We still eat everyday, right? We have alot of energy, why it will stop? Ok, on this moment, you will need to check "How Ageing Works" in and see the explaination of a cell becoming old.

Ever heard OBE? Out-of-Body-Experience. You can find these kinds of books everywhere or on the net. There is also an article about OBE in

I just wanted to say, if Soul really exists? Before you go and investigate if God exists, why not research if there are souls? It is easier to find it out with your body rather than you go for the God you seek.

Science had proved that, when a person dies, there are a strange energy will came out from our body. Ok, lets think that as "Soul", now temporarily believe there are souls, okay? Ok, your souls will rise from your body if you are dead. Where does it goes? Some Chinese scientists which believed that reincarnations exist, so they tracked down this strange energy, or you can say, soul. If you read the Karma Book- Law of Universe. OKOK, BY THIS MOMENT, I KNOW EVERYONE HERE IS TRYING TO SAY I AM ADVERTISING FOR BUDDHIST AND TAOISM? NONONO! LATER I WILL WRITE ABOUT ADVANTAGE FOR BECOMING A CHRISTIANS TOO. Ok, it stated that "Hell" is located a few -dunno how far, but written in the book- from Earth. And the scientists founded out that there are a strange Cube. The book also stated that Hell is in cube form. Ok, the soul gone into the cube, dunno do what, but it seems like, after a few thousands of years, the soul will come back from the "hell" and gone back to Earth, and this is called--- Reincarnation.

Ok, stop the Buddhist and Hindu here. Now goes to "Does ghosts exist?"

Let me tell you all one thing, I trust only Buddhist-Hindu-Taoism-Polomenisme-Shinto after I acually seen ghosts since 3 years ago. Ok, I am not saying that Christianity is fake, but, this knowledge is not passed to Western countries and no one in Western countries seems like wanted to know too. I hope today, I can pass this knowledge to Westerns.

SEE GHOSTS, this is only the proof. Don't you believe? You don't believe ghosts exist? Ok, maybe you read an article about buddhist are fake, I don't care, just, try this. If you don't dare to try it, DON'T SAY BUDDHIST ARE FAKE! After you tried it, if it does not works, THEN YOU CAN INSULT MY RELIGION.

There are alot of ways to see a ghosts. There are 5 types of eyes. And we possessed Eye of Human. How to let go of this power and change it into Eye of Heaven?

Get a pure black-fur dog, in the full moon's night, keep beating it until the dog's eyes are in red colour. Kill it, get the eyes out, and eat it.

Get tears from any dog, sweep it with your eyes.

Sweep your eyes with a cow's tail.

Anything above will do, but I don't acually use methods above.

You may go find a bomoh or a Taorist, they use dead crows, putting them into a bottle fo water, let it sucks up all... then blah blah blah. This also can, but mostly cheating.

The best way is to born naturally. If everything above cannot works, then you can continue believe Christians and continue insult Buddhists or any religion related to ghosts.

IF YOU DON'T DARE TO SEE A GHOST, then shut your mouth up.

After you see ghosts, you will never believe of any science related on God.

NOTE: The process can rarely reversed. By the way, in the temple, around 0.25% of monks died because of fearing to see ghosts. The only way to transform back is find a Taorists, but with sacrifices like your lifespend.



OK, maybe you are thinking of I am talking nonsense, please reconsiderate after you try things above, if you don't dare to, SHUT UP! By the way, one last thing.

I am not buddhist. I have no religion, because....

I trust Ghosts and Karma, but not Gods. (Similiar to Taoism, but not)

Give me some Karma if you really see ghosts. By the way, alot of people scolded me not because I had nearly insulted Christians but, they saw ghosts, and afraid and scolded me. For those who saw ghosts, give yourself a time, you will feel use to it... Because, now there is a red-coloured-dress female ghost standing besides me when I am writing this. Sometimes you will see the face, sometimes you will see only white figure, depends your power of your mind. It could be scary.


Last Advice: Don't Die because of Fear.

on Apr 15, 2009

By the way, don't be angry, this is friendly forum, kay? But, try the methods above, it never hurts if you try new things right? The methods above are simply easy. If it does not work, then don't work lor.

Last word, if you believe in your religion, you will not affected by anyone. Have strong faith is the most important thing to do. But the thing i mentioned above is for knowledge only, there is no offence of the breaking the rule: No religion issues are allowed here.

on Apr 15, 2009

I haven't read the other 5 pages but Albert Einstein once said "science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"

on Apr 15, 2009

Why should anyone care if God (why should we believe "God" is the true one? Why not the kami? Or Titania? Or Chtulhu? Or...?) exists or no? More precisely, why should anyone try to stomp their ideas into the rest of the population like if they were pure truth in a can? People should be more worried about being able to get along with other people, specially with people that thinks different (as long as that "different" isn't a "let's kill/destroy/dominate anyone who doesn't agree with us"... One thing is to be tolerant and another to be stupid).

Also, religion is basically a mass control tool in which you cannot deny its authority because it's given by an upper power ("god") that never is wrong. The perfect tool to control people, really. Poor farmers in the dark ages with that "suffer now that you'll be rewarded in the next life*" while people in upper levels of the society had a good life in that one and also in the next. I'm not saying that God/Shiva/Zeus/Frogboy/Batman/... doesn't exist but the common attitude of "If you cannot prove that God exists I win" or "God exists because bananas are clear evidence of godly design thinking in humans" and other such silly things, don't help to belive, that's for sure.

I belive that there are "bigger" beings out there as we're bigger than ants. But in any case, none is ever going to "meet" God/Gods/Force/... And even less undertand him/her/it/them/... unless we ARE him/her/it/them... Nature of the  universe is like that. And in any case, i prefer to care about those around me that I can see, touch, feel and care about, that worry about if some kind of uber being is "out there" with scales ready to judge me when I die... Or to worry about the non-existance about some kind of uber being "out there" with scales ready to judge me when I die.

I prefer to worry about if I'll play Champions Online than if God may have a plan for me. Or to try to decide which God is the true one**.

*next life meaning The Heaven for those who were good guys/gals, not talking about reincarnation.

** Or deciding about if ghosts exists, if there are catwomen on the moon (like in the film) or if Elvis is still alive. Yet silly me as I worry about also unimportant things like videogames (just to mention one of my silly worries),

on Apr 15, 2009

... why should anyone try to stomp their ideas into the rest of the population like if they were pure truth in a can? People should be more worried about being able to get along with other people, specially with people that thinks different (as long as that "different" isn't a "let's kill/destroy/dominate anyone who doesn't agree with us"...

Exactly. I also can't figure why, but it simply is the way of the three major world religions or at least of the leaders of their institutions to try killing or converting anyone who is not of their belief and/or doesn't abide by their religon's laws.

As opposed to the eastern religions like Buddhism, Hinduism etc. btw.

But Titania was just a Queen. Granted a faery Queen but nonetheless no god.


Also, religion is basically a mass control tool in which you cannot deny its authority because it's given by an upper power ("god") that never is wrong. The perfect tool to control people, really.

Sooooo true...!


And getting back to the topic a bit more: There are those who believe that the universe has something similar to a memory. The Akashic Field. I read a bit into that theory, and though I doubt it's existence, the idea or concept sounds somewhat interesting...

on Apr 15, 2009


I agree with your post entirely. Everyone should be open-minded and question everything, including their own religion. Otherwise, you are just a peon following everyone.

Yeah, I've heard humanism, determinism, stuff like that before. The only thing that bothers me is that I believe there are some things that you MUST put a "right/wrong" on. Ie...cold blooded murder, genocide, etc.. Those should be totally objectively evil, even in a mostly subjective, nonreligious moral system. And I don't like the idea of justifying not murdering someone only because of "self interest", ie "you would go to jail, so that is why you don't murder". Since you seem to know about these nonreligious moral stances more than me, I would appreciate an elightening on to how those moral actions are based when everything is supposed to be subjective.

But I get very annoyed by super-religious, blinded people. I also get really annoyed with athiests who mock religion. Both types are people who judge others based on religion way before they know who they are.

I am "Catholic", but only in a very, very, VERY loose sense (raised that way). The pope would disown me.

I believe in Jesus and God, but at the same time, I think that if you were raised in another religion or without a religion, then as long as you are a good person and lived a good life that you should be saved. How do I judge that? Meh, I don't know, it's not up to me, its up to God. And that's why I get sick of religious figures aggresively judging people because ultimately, if there is a God, its not up to them but up to him. And if there is no God, then they are just being pricks, and no one should ever be so judging.

If anything, I think religion is not an answer to morals or lifestyles, but an answer to death. An answer about what happens after death, or what type of meaning you bring to your life before death. I admit, I'm scared of an empty death. But in a weird, masochistic way. I love looking at the stars and knowing that I am a speck on a speck on a speck in an infinite sea of other specks, and that I am nothing other than what I am to myself and my close friends.

But dying with nothing afterwards's something that can't be put into words. An end with nothing is empty, yet fufilling at the same time. And I feel the same way about an eternal afterlife, it is empty yet fufilling. It's harder to explain that in words, but maybe someone here might also understand that feeling.

on Apr 15, 2009

Ever wathced Hitchhiker to the Galaxy? It explains everything!

God: "I refuse to proof that i exist. For Proof denies faith and without faith i'm nothing."

"But" says the Human "The babbelfish is a dead giveaway of your existence and so therefor you don't exist. Q.e.d"

"Oh dear" answers God "I haven't thought of that" And he dissapeared in a puff of logic.

on Apr 15, 2009

i find it quite interesting that religions seem to be the groups most intolerant on this planet.
i mean, you have: one bunch of communists, one bunch of nazis, one mafia per town, but you go to some tiny-arsed western farmer town in the US and you get like 5+  christian churches there.

on Apr 15, 2009

Science has limits to what it can measure, to what it can quantify and analyze.  When it comes down to the essentials, science is simply a tool.  A means by which we can analyze the world around us.  It is similar to our five senses, and as a tool, perhaps simply an extension of them.

It is our minds, however that interpret what the senses tell us.  For example, it is the mind that perceives depth in a two dimensional painting.  And in the same way, it is our minds that process the information provided by science.  And our minds have the capacity to quantify and analyze far more than what science can.  And indeed, there is far more to life and existence than the physical elements.

Can science measure and quantify love?  Yet love is just as real and purposeful.  Can it measure loyalty?  Can it measure joy?  Can it measure inner peace?  Patience?  Courage?  Are not all these immaterial qualities just as real as a stone on the ground.  And may I beg to imply, worth far more to us than a stone ever could.

The Bible teaches that God is Love.  That His existence is instinctively known to us, by the physical manifestation of His invisible qualities.  It is in our hearts and minds that we make this distinction, as science is too limited to quantify and measure these unseen realities.  It is in our hearts and minds that we can look around at the beauty in this remarkable world around us, and know that there must be a God.

on Apr 15, 2009

 Do you have some evidence to back up these accusations?


...Wait, are you talking about the Republican party's global warming conspiracy theories?  I'd rather not go into that; it's a thread derailment waiting to happen.   Is there something else that you're alluding to above?

Yes global warming is one of them.  And I rather not get into it.  If you don't know about it you probably not a science major.  I don't think Global Warming is Republican conspiracy theory; its a joke.  People who scream the loudest about it owns private jets.  Its a good example where politics disguise itself as science.

on Apr 15, 2009



On the note of Global Warming, few people actually argue whether its happening or not.


The Earth IS warming up. No question about that.


Now is it because of us or is it a natural part of the Earth's cycle? That's the question.

on Apr 16, 2009


Yes global warming is one of them.

Lol.  So in other words, your evidence is limited to angry rants by conservative talk radio.


Now is it because of us or is it a natural part of the Earth's cycle? That's the question.

Every national and international scientific body on the planet agrees that global warming is man-made.  Originally, there was one dissenting group: The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, but they retracted their denial a year or two ago.  You can read about the consensus here: link

Anyway, I have to go fly around in my private jet.



on Apr 16, 2009


Yeah, I've heard humanism, determinism, stuff like that before. The only thing that bothers me is that I believe there are some things that you MUST put a "right/wrong" on. Ie...cold blooded murder, genocide, etc.. Those should be totally objectively evil, even in a mostly subjective, nonreligious moral system. And I don't like the idea of justifying not murdering someone only because of "self interest", ie "you would go to jail, so that is why you don't murder". Since you seem to know about these nonreligious moral stances more than me, I would appreciate an elightening on to how those moral actions are based when everything is supposed to be subjective.

A moral relativist would say that each society comes up with its own moral rules, like "murder is bad", and that people who consider themselves a part of that society will treat those morals as truth.  In other words, the morals will be considered objectively true by that society.  Each society has different morals though, so each society has different "objective" truths.  They would say that the morals arise out of a desire for individuals to feel like they are a part of the group, since humans have a natural desire to be social and form communities.

An emotivist/noncognitivist would have a similar view: that sentences like "murder is bad" actually mean "i don't like murder, and niether should you".  Basically that an individual's morals spring from their emotional reaction to certain things.  But they'd more or less agree with relativists that the emotional reaction stems from a sort of instinctual biological drive to be a social creature, and to instinctively want to support your society.  Like many animals, humans are tribal and social, and we can't turn off that part of our brain very easily.

Niether would necessarily see a Greater Purpose behind being moral.  Relativists would say that the only purpose is the desire to make a happy and healthy society.  Emotivists would probably say that part of finding happiness is feeling that you are contributing to your society and making your world a better place, and so we gravitate towards that.

But dying with nothing afterwards's something that can't be put into words. An end with nothing is empty, yet fufilling at the same time. And I feel the same way about an eternal afterlife, it is empty yet fufilling. It's harder to explain that in words, but maybe someone here might also understand that feeling.

I can agree with that.  I don't necessarily like the idea that when I die I'm just gone.  I would definitely prefer it if I actually ended up in an eternal paradise.  But despite how much I would like it to be true, I can't force myself to believe it.  I believe in things that rationally appear to be the truth, even when the truth sucks.

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