Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.

Has it ever occured to anyone that, over the course of history, humans often come to the conclusion that anything that cannot be explained at the moment is automatically considered to be supernatural? For example, the Greeks. They had a god for just about anything that they could not explain with their means of science or technology at the time. How else could they explain the torrent of fire and molten lava that spwes out of a volcano? By claiming that Hephasteus is simply working in his forge of course.

But fast forward to today. And we know that isn't the case. The advent of computers, automobiles, airplanes, etc etc etc, would simply astound the Ancient Greeks. They would consider us gods. They would be unable to speak out of pure awe.

And since science is never ending in the sense that, with each question answered, more questions are formed... we still do not have a logical explanation for God. That being that supposedly judges us from afar, and moves through us all.

Think about it though... what if we just haven't reached the technological threshold to explain it yet?

It could be possible, that "God" is nothing more than a wave that interacts with our matter. Influencing our decisions with maybe electrical impulses or something similar. Religion is making "god" more important than it really is. With the advent of more powerful technology, we may be able to see what it is that moves through us all. More than likely, it is just another force of nature. It justs exists. It is there, always has been. But it is not a being, it is not something to worship... it is just not something we can understand. YET.

Basically, what I am trying to say is, we humans have proven over time that with the advent of better technology we can understand the ways of nature around us. So what's to stop us from unlocking the secrets of the universe? As well as explaining what "god" really is? We just can't comprehend it yet... but we will in time I think. Just like we did with volcanoes, oceans, telephones, airplanes, etc etc etc.

Religion is powerful in many ways no doubt. It helps certain people get through rough times, and to them, it explains the way things are as well giving them a code of ethics that they can follow. But religion is also on a way ticket to being obsolete. If science can bridge the gap between the two, what now?

Now just so everyone knows, I am not trying to attack anyones beliefs, I am merely wondering outloud if the above could be the case. I would also like to hear what other people have to say. Please be open-minded, and rational.

I will explain in better detail some ideas that I have heard as well some of my own if a great dialogue can be established.

Comments (Page 44)
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on Dec 18, 2011 DO realise you're debating one of the 'avoid-at-all-costs topics' on yet another of the 'avoid-at-all-costs threads'?

Sorry, Jafo.     The holidays are having their usual effect on my demeanor, and I'm probably just looking for a reason to vent my frustrations on the entire month of December.  I'll quit now.

on Dec 18, 2011

Merry Christmaskwanahannukah!

on Dec 18, 2011

And people wonder how I've come to believe that the god of the Bible is schizophrenic.

I thought that maybe God was pregnant. It's the only time I've seen such mood swings. Schizophrenia would be a good explanation though. It still wouldn't explain the various times where god seems to act with impunity. And regarding that, well it was a bad call by god, because I judge him/her.

It doesn't really matter. The way I see it, if heaven is filled with those who were preachy zealots on the Earth, then that's hell for me. And demons sticking red hot pokers up my jacksy for eternity is hell as well. I'm screwed either way.

on Dec 18, 2011

I'll quit now. don't have to quit....but just be reminded you're on a hiding to nothing.

Once upon a time the world's greatest time-waster was the crossword..... one person takes a few hours to create it....and thousands/millions of man-hours are LOST solving it.

Now we have tetch- knoll- oh, gee and the Internetses ....and people die of old age debating impossibilities.....trying to convince idiots there are other equally legitimate [or ill-] opinions held by other idiots.

No-one in the history of recorded time has ever been in one of these threads and suddenly exclaimed.....


on Dec 18, 2011 were right all along!

on Dec 18, 2011

k10w3 posts:

Christians who are anti-abortion for Biblical reasons are just proving they haven't thoroughly studied the Bible.

First, Christians are anti-abortion for Biblical reasons because abortion kills the innocent unborn babe in the womb every time which is against the Commandment of Almighty God, "Thou shalt not kill."

Abortion is medical terrorism that calls to Heaven for vengeance.  Ever since Roe v. Wade the slaughter of over 50 million weak and defenseless babes in the womb otherwise politicized as "choice" has taken place in the US. THese innocent unborn boys and girls were denied their fundamental right to life, to grow and to exercise all of life's choices like you and I have. At least 1.3 million baby's blood has been shed by abortion every year since 1973. Thus in one year twice as many Americans are killed through abortion as in all the wars of US history. Every 11 days, more children are killed by abortion than American men were killed in the 11 year long Vietnam War. Every 10 weeks, the number totals the number of American War dead in WWII. Every 5 hours there are 900 abortions, or approximately 4,000 abortions per day, and as many as 6,000 on a busy Saturday in the USA. 

Christians who are anti-abortion for Biblical reasons are just proving they haven't thoroughly studied the Bible. The fetus, Biblically, is not a living soul, because it has not taken the breath of life for the soul to enter into its body. (Genesis 2:7, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.") Both the Greek and the Hebrew word for spirit, also means air, or wind..


This interpretation of Genesis 2:7 is wrong. The fetus Biblicaly is a living soul becasue it is God who gives the first breath of life. Just from the plain reading of Genesis 2:7, we see the passage speaks of nothing as far as when the fetus first breathes as you suggest.

Secondly, modern science has proven life begins at the moment of conception.


PLEASE NOTE EDIT:I've edited this to include the link with names and sources.
on Dec 18, 2011


Leauki posts:

However, you forget that there is value in potential life. In Judaism abortion, except to save the life of the mother, is prohibited; not because a fetus is human life, but because a fetus is _potential_ human life and as such more important than the whims of the parents (but not more than the life of the mother).

Actually, science has proven a human fetus is human life. There is no real war between science and true religion (Christianity). We shall see they go together, hand in hand.



We have seen science has proven life begins at fertilization, so the fetus is human life from the getgo, not “potential life”. On this very topic, please consider this article by Arland Nichols written just a few days ago. (for brevity, only part is quoted).

Hearing my child’s heartbeat for the first time


  • Fri Dec 16, 2011 17

 Swish-swish, swish-swish, swish-swish.

I can still remember that sound as if I was listening to it now. It pierced my heart when I heard it for the first time on September 26, 2006. It resonated in my ears and took hold of my heart like few things can. This Monday I get to hear that sound for the fourth time. A little nervous with anticipation, this day is one of the most exciting in the life of this husband and father. I get to hear the heartbeat of our child as he (or maybe she?) grows within the womb of my wife.

The heartbeat I will hear resounds from a heart that began forming  two or three weeks after conception. ……..I’d been dwelling upon this sound and these memories when I encountered the opening remarks from Ann Furedi at the “Battle of Ideas” meeting in the United Kingdom. Furedi, CEO of the largest abortion provider in the UK, stated, “I accept that abortion stops a beating heart and I accept that abortion ends a potential human life, even in the very earliest weeks of pregnancy”

Furedi’s quote, however, uses the dehumanizing phrase often employed by supporters of abortion, “potential human life.” On the contrary, that which is in the womb is a human being in the embryonic or fetal stage and a human life with great potential. 


 gmc2 posts:

If your god is love, goodness and tolerance then those that feel they have a moral right to interfere with a woman's right to an abortion or birth control, are against gays or that their religion is the only religion then guess who's work you're really doing.

There may be a political "legal" right to abortion, but there is no moral right to an abortion.



on Dec 18, 2011

Lulapilgrim....have an opinion by all means...but if it is someone else's please avoid plagiarism, and if 'small sections' of text are borrowed you are required to link to source.

on Dec 18, 2011

First, Christians are anti-abortion for Biblical reasons because abortion kills the innocent unborn babe in the womb every time which is against the Commandment of Almighty God, "Thou shalt not kill."

Abortion is medical terrorism that calls to Heaven for vengeance.



on Dec 18, 2011


Yes, I was....

on Dec 18, 2011

Yes, I was...

I'm voting for you twice now. Gotta love grassroots corruption. 

on Dec 18, 2011

The reason the bible of christianity contradicts itself so often, is that was written over a number of centuries by various schizophrenics (prophets...just check out a insane asylum, you'll find lots of prophets), then edited umpteen-hundred times deleting and adding huge chunks, clumsily mistranslated from one language to the next dozens of times with numerous mistakes, and finally reinterpreted by each of the various flavors of christianity for their own purposes.  So it's pretty much a "read it and infer whatever the hell you want from it" proposition.

Try finding the so-called "true word of god" out of that giant mess.  Good luck.

Sentient species taste better...

on Dec 19, 2011

There is actually a Christian answer to what's posed by you above Kzinti that addresses the very issue you raise.  Just FYI...meaning, "the argument only remains unanswered if you put it out as a statement" and not a query.

on Dec 19, 2011

lula, now you're trolling. I've stated that I wish to no longer participate in this aimless dribble. I can now see that your aim is to incite and if you continue to quote me I will report you to the mods.

Quoting k10w3,
reply 654

Yes, I was....


on Dec 19, 2011

Religious freaks, or unsuccessful trolls being unsuccsessful. What's the difference?

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