Musings about the world around me, the world I create in my mind, and the world I am escaping to in a game.

Has it ever occured to anyone that, over the course of history, humans often come to the conclusion that anything that cannot be explained at the moment is automatically considered to be supernatural? For example, the Greeks. They had a god for just about anything that they could not explain with their means of science or technology at the time. How else could they explain the torrent of fire and molten lava that spwes out of a volcano? By claiming that Hephasteus is simply working in his forge of course.

But fast forward to today. And we know that isn't the case. The advent of computers, automobiles, airplanes, etc etc etc, would simply astound the Ancient Greeks. They would consider us gods. They would be unable to speak out of pure awe.

And since science is never ending in the sense that, with each question answered, more questions are formed... we still do not have a logical explanation for God. That being that supposedly judges us from afar, and moves through us all.

Think about it though... what if we just haven't reached the technological threshold to explain it yet?

It could be possible, that "God" is nothing more than a wave that interacts with our matter. Influencing our decisions with maybe electrical impulses or something similar. Religion is making "god" more important than it really is. With the advent of more powerful technology, we may be able to see what it is that moves through us all. More than likely, it is just another force of nature. It justs exists. It is there, always has been. But it is not a being, it is not something to worship... it is just not something we can understand. YET.

Basically, what I am trying to say is, we humans have proven over time that with the advent of better technology we can understand the ways of nature around us. So what's to stop us from unlocking the secrets of the universe? As well as explaining what "god" really is? We just can't comprehend it yet... but we will in time I think. Just like we did with volcanoes, oceans, telephones, airplanes, etc etc etc.

Religion is powerful in many ways no doubt. It helps certain people get through rough times, and to them, it explains the way things are as well giving them a code of ethics that they can follow. But religion is also on a way ticket to being obsolete. If science can bridge the gap between the two, what now?

Now just so everyone knows, I am not trying to attack anyones beliefs, I am merely wondering outloud if the above could be the case. I would also like to hear what other people have to say. Please be open-minded, and rational.

I will explain in better detail some ideas that I have heard as well some of my own if a great dialogue can be established.

Comments (Page 42)
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on Dec 17, 2011

"There is, however, but one holy religion (one holy Faith) revealed by (Flying Spaghetti Monster/Pink Unicorn/Tyler Durden/Big Bird/Gargamel) and that means all the rest are false."

Sentient species taste better...

on Dec 17, 2011

Trust in the word of the Kitty Who Pretends To Be Fierce. Even if a Greater Power gives you Kibble Every Day, You are still Free to Catch Your Own Helpless Birdies and Stupid Lizards.

on Dec 17, 2011

GW Swicord
Trust in the word of the Kitty Who Pretends To Be Fierce. Even if a Greater Power gives you Kibble Every Day, You are still Free to Catch Your Own Helpless Birdies and Stupid Lizards.

What GW said.

Sentient species taste better...

on Dec 17, 2011

What GW said.

Hah! The Kzinti at last give some respect to the Gerontocracy.  


on Dec 17, 2011

Respect as always, then we eat you.  It's only natural...

I'm done, as I dont want to derail the thread, but nice to see people from the hey-days of the Metaverse.

Sentient species taste better...

on Dec 17, 2011

There is, however, but one holy religion (one holy Faith) revealed by Christ and that means all the rest are false.

oh, I'm sorry folks, I got to ask, and what religion would that be, oh mighty troll.

on Dec 18, 2011

oh, I'm sorry folks, I got to ask, and what religion would that be, oh mighty troll.

I expect it is the one which led to the Crusades and enforced enlightenment on the greater majority of the yet-to-be-civilized world.

You know, the one we have to thank for wars and oppression in general....

on Dec 18, 2011

led to the Crusades

Clearly a violation of the 6th, 8th, and 10th commandments as written in the christian handbook, aka, bible.  It amuses me how they can't even follow their own rules but expect everyone else to conform to them, lest they be murdered by someone who does believe in them, on behalf of their ever loving God who supposedly loves all of his creations equally.

on Dec 18, 2011

It amuses me how they can't even follow their own rules but expect everyone else to conform to them, lest they be murdered by someone who does believe in them, on behalf of their ever loving God who supposedly loves all of his creations equally.

Doesn't amuse me....bores me to tears.

Hypocrisy - another word for Religion....

on Dec 18, 2011

Just to be clear, Almighty God is All-Knowing

I've always wondered why, if God is all-knowing, did he agree to spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah if ten righteous people can be found within it. He knows full well that ten people won't be found, so what is the point? Is it just a test? Is he having a laugh at Lot/Abraham's expense?

And while we're on the subject of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot is saved, so we assume he is righteous. Yet he offers his two virgin daughters to the inhabitants rather than have them 'know' the two guests/angels who are with him. That doesn't seem very righteous to me. Additionally, there's a part in 'Slaughterhouse Five' by Kurt Vonnegut, where he's talking about Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt for looking back, and he says that he feels what she did was very human. I'm inclined to agree. After all, how often do you see a city being destroyed by God? Does he do it any more spectacularly than mere mortals could? I think regardless of being told not to look back, my interest would be piqued. Indeed, my interest may be piqued simply because I was told not to look.

on Dec 18, 2011

Hypocrisy - another word for Religion....

Hypocrisy - the one true religion.

on Dec 18, 2011

the bible is rife with inconsistencies that are explained away by faith. I like the bible, it's a pretty good read. there are some good words to live by, some entertaining stories and, I think, written by a culture that attempted to explain the mysteries of the cosmos with the understanding of the period.

I think someone mentioned ants in an ant farm with their existence limited by their surroundings. People, back then, had the same experience without having the science to understand it was all magic and mysticism. There are 'things' that we still don't understand because we don't have the necessary tools to do so, but believe they exist. There are 'things' that are possible that we're not even aware of and may never be, just because we lack the basic understanding of the principles behind a concept.

I don't have to believe in a god to be a good person and I can believe that the tenants of religion have made us a better people and unfortunately a violent and myopic people a well. As with all things there is the ying and yang of it.

on Dec 18, 2011

the bible is rife with inconsistencies that are explained away by faith. I like the bible, it's a pretty good read. there are some good words to live by, some entertaining stories

Yes, but a Telephone Book has a much greater cast ....

[plot's a bit thin, tho]

on Dec 18, 2011

an ancient Chinese philosophy, I Ching State / said :

If you believe, then it will be real; but if you don't believe on it, then it will be nothing. It is better if you believe, because it doesn't cost you anything. Who know, it is true at the end.

It came from the book of I Ching. A book of the teaching of Dao Tze Ching.

So, at the end, this is our choice to believe or not. It doesn't cost you anything to believe in God. Well, unless you go to church everyday, donate 10% of your money, do this, and that, or maybe become a suicide bomber for an extremist factions. It cost a lot. But, it doesn't cost you anything to believe in God. Well, nobody know if it's true or not. But, even if it's not true, you don't lost anything. But if it's true, then you will be rewarded.


on Dec 18, 2011

can't speak for Karen but if I recollect correctly you stated that choosing an abortion was a whim, sort of like deciding to wear the blue tie instead of the red one. She was pointing out (at least to me) that choosing to have an abortion was a serious decision to make.


This is what I said:

"Women are told that abortion is a small matter, something that can be done too lightly. That's not a good development, I think."

You really should respond directly to me and what I said rather than the impression created by those who want to disagree with me.

Recollection is a funny thing but there is no need to use recollection in a Web forum where you can simply go back and read what was actually stated.



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